My Vineyard House✨💫🥂
Hello My Wonderful Friends,
I am writing to you from my Cape yellow-wood desk, loaded with exciting notes about vineyards and wines not yet born and awaiting the upcoming harvest. Writing to you allows me to pause and reflect on wonderful vintages past. Above, you have a view of where we make our wine, nestled at the foot of dramatic mountains amongst historic building. It is hard not to long for it.
Below, I will share with you some highlights but first, I want to tell you what is different about us and our wines. It is at the heart of who we are.
Years ago, a food revolution began. Consumers began asking, “What’s actually in my food?“
Now it’s time for a Wine Revolution.
Here’s the problem: Our industry has become dominated by big business (even those idyllic Napa farms are now owned by corporations) and their aim is to keep the shelves stocked because if the shelf is empty, the big chain wine shops will give it to another wine. So the winemaking is focused on volume and that a bottle sold in Florida should be identical to one in Colorado - like beer. To do that, they add an additive here and a chemical there.
I’m here to tell you that there is another way and it's where we come in.
Our aim is to IMPROVE the wines that modern people drink, by approaching wine the way we approach food, with care for ingredients and flavor and moving away from artificial manipulation.
Thank you, dear friends, for reading this and supporting us. If you are not yet a member of our wine club I hope you join us.
Below are the wines we are drinking now. They are only available from our Drink Better Wine Club or the select family owned independent wine shops and restaurants we collaborate with.
Barrel Fermented Reserve Chenin Blanc 2020

The label we chose for this, our flagship white wine, was by an artist known to our family. We wanted a label that is a representation of the wine, our wine house and would also let your dreams take you somewhere idyllic. When I look at it, it takes me to a perfect vacation day and drinks at sunset.
Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 2017
We held back the last of this spectacular vintage for our Drink Better Wine Club members and a few bottles to independent wine stores who have supported us from the start. Wine is about bottling the essence of a place. At a recent wine show, one of the attendees who has visited our corner of wine country but had never tasted our wines, said “drinking this gives me goosebumps. It’s like I am there”. That was one of the best compliments anyone has ever given our wines. Smell. Taste. Let it take you there.
Pinotage Rosé

Rosé all year, especially this rosé. Why? It’s what you drink in winter when you want something lighter than a red but are not in the mood for a white. This vineyard is also on the slopes of the dramatic Simonsberg mountain. This is prime vineyard real estate and usually destined for premium red wines but we want our rose to be premium too.
Follow Your Dreams - Follow Your Heart

We are a first generation wine making family that has taken a leap of faith to follow our dreams to make PURE wines for our modern lifestyle where you can TASTE the difference. So if you care about your health, the planet and the health of our farm-workers, join our Drink Better Wine club and see, taste & feel the difference of what QUALITY wine is actually like. Support small and family owned - we care.
Lynne and Yair